Monday, May 1, 2017

May's First of the Month Freebie

Hey there, teacher friends! We're in the home stretch now, and I hope you're hanging in there. Just wanted to bring you a quick update to let you know about May's First of the Month Freebie. It's a math game called New Tools, Broken Tools. The game covers Common Core Standard 1.NBT.C.4: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. My first graders are currently working on this standard, so I developed this center activity as a fun way to reinforce it! 

Student-friendly directions 

Headings for the sort

Includes 40 sort cards with answer key

This game is a sample from my current project- Go Math! aligned centers for first grade. More games are available in a growing bundle here, and the product description includes links to individual units and games.

One more thing- since it's the first of the month, my entire store is 10% off! Hope this helps to make your end-of-year planning just a bit easier :)

Thanks for reading- happy teaching!

-Erika, Little Owl's Teacher Treats